Creativity comes with the creation

It is very simple:”Creativity comes with the creation.”

Whatever I am telling after this are just words to create a blog post. If I stop here to write there is no place for my creativity to pop up. You see if I want to be creative I need to continue to write.

They say the moment you answer the question of “How to be creative?” the creativity dies. You see the beautiful paradox here.

Creativity means to see things from different angles. To bring different perspectives. To measure from another frame of reference.

It simply means to write in reverse!

direction this from read to thought ever you have؟

or in this way:

evah uoy reve thguoht ot daer morf siht noitcerid?

You shouldn’t necessarily bring value to the world through your creativity. You just want to play. Of course, something of value is appreciated.

Have you ever heard that children of 5 years old do not have “Functional Fixedness”? Functional Fixedness is our inability to find functions for things out of their traditional use. Try to answer this: “You have two candles, numerous thumbtacks, and a box of matches. Using only these items, try to figure out how to mount the candles to a wall. How would you accomplish this? See the answer here.”

Or look at the painting below from Mahmood Farshchian which is called “Fifth Day of Creation” and it is the shining example of creativity. 5th-Day-of-Creation-Mahmoud-Farshchian

It is very simple but powerful idea: Creativity comes with the creation.

P.S.: the title image source, Photo by Alena Koval from Pexels


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